Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Meaning of Five Phrase (Business English)

Singing from the same hymn sheet:
If people are singing from the same hymn sheet, they are expressing the same opinions in public.


The Government  are singing from the same hymn sheet about their plan to this country.

Talk the talk, walk the walk:
you say you can do something, you can do what you say you can do.

Totality in work.



A Good Entrepreneur  talk the talk, walk the walk in taking action and making decisions on his Business


The elephant in the room:
An elephant in the room is a problem that everyone knows very well but no one talks about because it is taboo, embarrassing, etc.



Hot issue is happening now is an elephant in the room

All hands on deck:
Something that you say when everyone's help is needed, especially to do a lot of work in a short amount of time


 I should to get all this cleared up before the guest arrive so it's all hands on deck


Pass to the monkey:

Damage, loss, damnification


Example :

Successful Entrepreneurs see it pass to the monkey because its stock price broken down.


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